Media & Updates
2024년 11월 15일
Monit Showcases MECS PRO at MEDICA 2024 in Düsseldorf
Monit participated in the MEDICA 2024, the world’s leading medical trade fair held in Düsseldorf, Germany. This globally renowned exhibition brought together the latest innovations in healthcare and medical devices, attracting professionals from around the world.
During the event, Monit introduced its latest product, MECS PRO, designed specifically for nursing facilities. This advanced solution enables centralized monitoring of multiple patients, simplifies diaper care workflows, and enhances overall care quality. Attendees were particularly impressed with MECS PRO’s user-friendly design and practical benefits for healthcare providers.
The strong interest shown in MECS PRO underscores the growing demand for innovative healthcare solutions. Monit is pleased to announce that MECS PRO is scheduled to launch around January 2025, marking a significant milestone in our mission to improve the quality of life for the elderly.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited our booth and showed enthusiasm for our products. Monit remains committed to delivering cutting-edge digital healthcare technologies that address critical needs in the healthcare industry.
Stay connected for updates on MECS PRO and more exciting developments from Monit!
2024년 9월 23일
MONIT Participates in Dubai Expand North Star 2024 in Dubai, UAE
Monit proudly participated in Dubai Expand North Star 2024, one of the world’s largest exhibitions for startups and innovative technologies. Held in Dubai, this prestigious event brought together leading companies, entrepreneurs, and industry professionals from across the globe.
At the event, Monit showcased its cutting-edge digital healthcare solutions, including MECS (Smart Diaper Care System for the Elderly), MECS PRO (Advanced Diaper Care System for Nursing Facilities), and Bebefit (Foldable Baby Carrier). These innovations drew significant attention from attendees, highlighting Monit’s commitment to enhancing quality of life through advanced technology.
The exhibition provided an excellent opportunity for Monit to connect with global partners, explore collaborative opportunities, and share our vision for the future of digital healthcare.
We would like to thank all the visitors who stopped by our booth and showed interest in our products. Monit remains dedicated to developing solutions that address societal and healthcare challenges worldwide.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand our global presence!
2024년 1월 11일
[Youtube] MONIT Participated in CES 2024
Monit Showcases Cutting-Edge Solutions at CES 2025
Monit attended CES 2025 in Las Vegas, USA, to showcase its groundbreaking technologies, including the baby diaper sensor (MONIT), the AI chatbot service, and the MECS Diaper Care System.
These innovative solutions drew significant attention from global visitors, highlighting Monit's commitment to improving the quality of life for both infants and the elderly through advanced digital healthcare technology.
To learn more about our products and see them in action, [see more] to watch the YouTube videos.
2024년 1월 10일
[뉴스] CES 2024 전시회 참가 소식
모닛 “어르신 위한 기저귀 케어 솔루션 세계화 목표” [서울AI허브 in CES]
디지털 헬스케어 스타트업 모닛이 세계 IT·가전 전시회 ‘CES 2024’에 참가해 고령화 사회에 최적화된 기저귀 모니터링 및 간병 솔루션 ‘MECS(Monit Elderly Care System)’를 선보인다.
모닛은 2016년 삼성전자 C-랩의 연구 과제로 시작해 비즈니스 모델을 검증한 후 2017년 4월 삼성벤처투자의 지원을 받아 독립 법인으로 분사했다. 모닛 박도형 대표에게 모닛과 MECS에 대한 이야기를 들어본다.
2023년 11월 18일
서울AI허브 입주사 Report
모닛은 디지털 헬스케어 기업으로 독자적인 기저귀 감지 기술을 개발했다. 2017년 4월 설립했으며 현재까지 40억원의 시리즈A 투자를 유치했다.
◇ 성인 기저귀 케어 시스템 ‘맥스’ 이야기
모닛의 ‘맥스(MECS)’는 기저귀 겉면에 부착되는 웨어러블 센서와 통신 허브, 모바일앱으로 구성된 성인 기저귀 케어시스템이다.
맥스는 국내만 1000만명을 넘어선 고령자를 대상으로 AI 센싱기술을 적용한 패턴러닝 알고리즘과 멀티센서를 통해 어르신들의 기저귀 오염도를 실시간 모니터링하고 기저귀의 교체 시점을 정확하게 파악할 수 있는 서비스다.
맥스에는 고정밀 센서 3가지 온도센서, 습도센서, 정전 용량 센서가 탑재됐다. 이 센서를 통해 교체 시기를 알림으로 알려주고 자동으로 교체 기록까지 저장해 준다. 또 움직임도 감지되고 이를 모바일로 알려주기 때문에 간병인도 곧바로 대처할 수 있다.
2021년 1월 5일
[News] Health is the focus of CES, the world’s largest tech event, which resumes its personalized version
With artificial intelligence, Monit offers a diaper solution for seniors that helps prevent urinary tract infections due to incontinence and even rashes and dermatitis.